Page name: index [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-02-06 14:50:07
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
# of watchers: 216
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Hello and welcome to the Elfpack Wiki-Index!
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If you have any questions, comments, concerns, complaints or suggestions, please leave a comment in the comment-box or PM [kittykittykitty].
              Please feel free to use this comment-box for idle chatting. ;)

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2006-03-11 [shaggy the clown]: fuk u bitch

2006-03-11 [zoloftzantac]: [shaggy the clown]: It would be wiser for you to not disrespect [eyes of frost] like that.

2006-03-11 [eyes of frost]: Who was that bitch comment directed to?

2006-03-11 [sexy les mel]: i am a lesbian

2006-03-11 [BlankPage]: thats nice. ^_^ I'm bi

2006-03-11 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: ...uh...thats nice to kno?

2006-03-12 [insaneNtwiztid]: yeah i kno isnt it

2006-03-12 [DRACE]: (>..<>) (<>..<>) (<>..<)

2006-03-12 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: does n/e one kno of a good image editor to use? if so can u send me a message of wat it is n how to get it?

2006-03-13 [eyes of frost]: ...blah

2006-03-13 [insaneNtwiztid]: hey ppl!

2006-03-13 [CYCKAY08]: losers

2006-03-13 [insaneNtwiztid]: shut up[CYCKAY08] ur gay*lol* i luv u!

2006-03-14 [DrakeA]: :

2006-03-14 [insaneNtwiztid]: really!

2006-03-14 [Eccentrifuge]: asdf

2006-03-14 [eyes of frost]: A good image editor is photoshop or paint shop. They both work Eiji.

2006-03-14 [bigmike916570]: wat up

2006-03-14 [insaneNtwiztid]: hey ppl watz goin on please check out my page and then go to my wiki i need more ppl!

2006-03-15 [eyes of frost]: What ever happened to proper English? *Sighs*

2006-03-15 [Eccentrifuge]: SPAM!!!

2006-03-15 [zoloftzantac]: freak parade?

2006-03-15 [jennifer_*]: ow do i make a wiki?

2006-03-15 [zoloftzantac]: Read the wiki guide

2006-03-15 [Family_Guy_Rocks]: hey should talk in <I LOVE FALL OUT BOY> CAUSE I KNOW YOU DO!

2006-03-15 [insaneNtwiztid]: i do!

2006-03-16 [eyes of frost]: .....

2006-03-16 [hot blonde and singal]: well i have 2 gay guys right bye me and one is touching me

2006-03-16 [zoloftzantac]: (see, I told you Rachel)

2006-03-16 [insaneNtwiztid]: *wow*

2006-03-17 [eyes of frost]: (I know Joe. Maybe they don't understand...*Observes*)

2006-03-17 [canni88]: hey all

2006-03-17 [cursed]: pişt noluyo lan burda

2006-03-17 [Spudnic]: hey all

2006-03-17 [Spudnic]: im bored

2006-03-18 [angel66]: can someone send me a message because i am board

2006-03-18 [eyes of frost]: (Joe, I wonder what happened to exploring wiki pages and talking...*Still observing*)

2006-03-18 [W!ld KAT]: rawr

2006-03-18 [zoloftzantac]: hey Angel, I missed ya ;)

2006-03-19 [redneck wrestler 50 64]: bob the builder is cool

2006-03-19 [insaneNtwiztid]: yeah he is!

2006-03-19 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: bob?...who's bob?

2006-03-19 [Eccentrifuge]:


Missing: </huge>

2006-03-19 [W!ld KAT]: i'm goin to a fall out boy concert on friday!! it's gonna rock hardcore,....

2006-03-19 [Blinded Seraphim]: If anyone is interested in rp, you can now check out my latest creation, Revenge of the Supersoldiers , and if you dont like rp..then dont check it out :)

2006-03-20 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: hi ppl how do i make my own wiki page

2006-03-20 [crezwell]: hiy all :-D

2006-03-20 [Jasiara Hotalti]: hey ppl if you like yu yu hakusho you should check out my wiki Yu Yu Hakusho rpg

2006-03-20 [Amanda Kaye!]: Is there some reason as to why whenever I click on "Your House" things on the status thing never change, including last log in's? Even when I go to another page and then go back to my page it goes back to the way it was last time I cliked on my house...

2006-03-20 [zoloftzantac]: It is just you, I can go there and hit refreash after a min or so and everythng in the status changes. Try to refreash the page ... maybe your browser settings are set to always cache or something ... ?

2006-03-20 [Amanda Kaye!]: hmm... Okay. Thanks alot. I appreciate it.

2006-03-21 [insaneNtwiztid]: hey!

2006-03-21 [Click Here For Your Prize!]: I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE

2006-03-21 [eyes of frost]: ...If you want to advertise your roleplays you can put them up in the roleplay list...everyone checks those out so, it should get alot of views.

2006-03-21 [kyraawr]: my ass hurts....

2006-03-22 [eyes of frost]: We all just needed to know that...

2006-03-22 [*TRACY*]: gay

2006-03-22 [Spudnic]: borin

2006-03-22 [js]: no gorillaz

2006-03-23 [sisi]: chat

2006-03-24 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: bored

2006-03-24 [shaggy the clown]: fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk fuk f

2006-03-25 [eyes of frost]: ...Please stop reposting the is rather annoying...

2006-03-25 [BigKatt]: hey im new but yall be seeing more of me

2006-03-25 [Bytheway]: heheheheheheheheheheheehheehheheeheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheehrepeat

2006-03-25 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: lol i would pay allot 2 c that 4 real

2006-03-25 [jeffy! XP]: yo yo yo yo wat is upp!! lol i doubt any1s here lol

2006-03-26 [Badd Babi]: sluts everywhere! yAy

2006-03-26 [Monster Master]: That cat looks awesome. xP

2006-03-26 [Viva La Forever]: wow that cat is fun fun for all ages!!! that sounds wrong!! sick sick me...o well its my birth right to be like that!!!

2006-03-26 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: interesting...i wanna kill it O-o

2006-03-27 [eyes of frost]: Thank you Eiji. You are not the only one.

2006-03-27 [zoloftzantac]: I told him if i saw that cat in another wiki comment i would delete it. So guess what? I just deleted it.

2006-03-27 [eyes of frost]: YAY! *Hugs Joe* I am so sick of that cat...!

2006-03-27 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: whoa...he made the cat dissappear...i still wanna kill it O-o

2006-03-27 [insaneNtwiztid]: haha!

2006-03-28 [jeffy! XP]: BOOM!!!

2006-03-28 [jeffy! XP]: I SCARED U!

2006-03-28 [jeffy! XP]: BLEH!

2006-03-28 [jeffy! XP]: eh this boring...

2006-03-28 [Khaiyne]: Greetings wanderers...what best upith

2006-03-28 [amyz_da_bomb]: hehe elfpack is borin at da moment so plz talk 2 me!!!!!!

2006-03-28 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: ...>_>...<_<...bored v.v

2006-03-28 [jeffy! XP]: ummmm boo!

2006-03-29 [eyes of frost]: OKay...this page has officially been taken over by...nevermind. Come on Joe! To the freak parade.

2006-03-29 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: oh HI GUWARDIAANGHEL!

2006-03-29 [freaktaker]: *blows up the muffin shop

2006-03-29 [zoloftzantac]: umm ... yeah

2006-03-29 [freaktaker]: lol

2006-03-29 [freaktaker]: hey hey guys

2006-03-29 [freaktaker]: come on talk....

2006-03-29 [blue_fang]: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo those poor muffins

2006-03-29 [*love*sucks*ass*]: wow!!!! it really is soo boring

2006-03-29 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: well....there goes my muffins

2006-03-29 [eyes of frost]: ...

2006-03-31 [Aes Sedai]: Hey ppl!

2006-04-01 [chuckles]: wow

2006-04-01 [chuckles]: hey, aes sedai! i read that series!

2006-04-02 [tweeek tweek]: HOW DO I MAKE A WIKI I WANNA MAKE 1

2006-04-03 [ikhuk]: hi ppl

2006-04-03 [zoloftzantac]: [tweeek tweek]: Read the wiki guide

2006-04-04 [Mataza_71191]: i have a question referring to placement of a wiki...

2006-04-04 [X_soccerchick_X]: ok then ask the question!

2006-04-04 [eyes of frost]: Joe, I thought you were going to stop watching this page >:) Lol. I guess you couldn't help it either.

2006-04-04 [Mataza_71191]: i want to know were to put a colection of storys wiki

2006-04-05 [eyes of frost]: Erm...Well y ou could put it on your house...and then advertise it.

2006-04-05 [Mataza_71191]: i have i will

2006-04-05 [eyes of frost]: Alright. You can also advertise up where it says Art. That is for poems, art, novelas, and other things like that.

2006-04-05 [Mataza_71191]: hmmmmm k

2006-04-05 [Difference]: HI PPLS!!

2006-04-05 [Lost69]: Sup

2006-04-06 [SwEeT BaBe]: hi ppl

2006-04-06 [SwEeT BaBe]: hello

2006-04-06 [hello]: what?

2006-04-06 [SwEeT BaBe]: no one here????? okay Hello

2006-04-06 [Crozzy]: Hello

2006-04-06 [zoloftzantac]: Hi [Crozzy], how did you get that snake in your comment?

2006-04-06 [Crozzy]: Snake? Oro? Where? I see no snake.

2006-04-06 [zoloftzantac]: where the hell did it go? you had the donor snakes inside your comment when I wrote that ...

2006-04-06 [kim16]: hi am new and i am lost

2006-04-07 [SwEeT BaBe]: hello ppl is any1 talkin??

2006-04-07 [zoloftzantac]: *messages [kim16]*

2006-04-07 [SeXyGuRl0]: uummm..........

2006-04-07 [brokenlover]: sup hommies

2006-04-07 [pippi]: hey wats up

2006-04-07 [Misunderstood Inhaler]: hi ppl

2006-04-08 [Crozzy]: Must have been a glitch cause i don't use them. ZZ

2006-04-08 [NE0]: yep, some kinda of glitch in the matrix ... watch out, it means *they* might have changed something ....

2006-04-08 [Crozzy]: Uh-oh....Protect me Neo?

2006-04-09 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: damn it sucks bein hyper n bored at the same time..

2006-04-10 [eyes of frost]: ...Phht. What happened to the index page...?

2006-04-10 [blackfire10169]: i wanna make a wiki. how do i do it?

2006-04-10 [tittanns7]: lm getting the one l want why l need very calm girl

2006-04-11 [dragons101]: hey what up people

2006-04-11 [zoloftzantac]: [blackfire10169]: read the wiki guide for info about making a wiki

2006-04-11 [blackfire10169]: Kay, thank you

2006-04-12 [joesexy_lover]: Im starting to get it about time

2006-04-12 [joesexy_lover]: whats up everyone

2006-04-12 [deleting]: watz new

2006-04-12 [Tawny_333]: hey im a dumbass and cant figure out how to add aor get friends!help

2006-04-12 [zoloftzantac]: [Tawny_333]: to add friends you have to have gotten at least one message from that person, then you can go to their house and scroll to the bottom and sugggest a new relation with that person, then they have to accept it before it works.

2006-04-12 [Tawny_333]: hey any sexy men wanna chat cuz im bored as fuck

2006-04-13 [eyes of frost]: ....You could just message people asking if they want to talk to you. It makes things alot easier [Tawny_333]

2006-04-13 [zoloftzantac]: she didn't want to talk to me I guess ... anyways click the link on the right that says "online members" and look for some one who is online right now who you want to talk to

2006-04-13 [gimli5]: hey

2006-04-13 [insaneNtwiztid]: hey!

2006-04-14 [crazylette]: if anyone knows please let me know I am trying to get a hold of him thanks

2006-04-15 [X. נυѕт αиσтнєя *gυяℓ*]: dose any1 like playboy on here x?x

2006-04-16 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: no kelly not meny people like playboi and if you keep asking evryone i will remove your eyes with a pen

2006-04-16 [Knight Warrior1221]: i'm new here.

2006-04-16 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: well welcome *hands a basket of dead floweres to knight*

2006-04-16 [eyes of frost]: *Starts grumbling* Man I hate stupid parents...

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: why wats the matter

2006-04-17 [eyes of frost]: Nothing.

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: ohh ok so how are you all

2006-04-17 [eyes of frost]: Me? Trying to figure out how the index became a chat hang out.

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: ohhh lol well i suppose someone just said hello and it became a convo

2006-04-17 [eyes of frost]: Oh complete randomness. Lol.

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: lol randomness is gggooooddd

2006-04-17 [eyes of frost]: Lol.

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: are you random *eyes suspitiosly- then runs and hides in the corner*

2006-04-17 [eyes of frost]: Erm...sometimes.

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: hmmm *comes out of the corner and pokes you then runs back to the corner*

2006-04-17 [eyes of frost]: Hehe. Grarg. I have to go. I am busy. Bye.

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: byebye

2006-04-17 [blacky]: that is very radom

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: we are alll random people *pokes* are you random

2006-04-17 [Mataza_71191]: this has ben took over i see..........o vellll

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: hi mata how are you

2006-04-17 [Mataza_71191]: bored

2006-04-17 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: me too

2006-04-17 [Mataza_71191]: sweet....

2006-04-18 [Ghetto supastar]: oh how cool

2006-04-18 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: lol

2006-04-18 [insaneNtwiztid]: lol!

2006-04-19 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: so how are you all

2006-04-19 [insaneNtwiztid]: gd u

2006-04-19 [SwEeT BaBe]: hi

2006-04-19 [dude08]: does anyonbe have any nude girl pics of them selves?

2006-04-19 [zoloftzantac]: any luck?

2006-04-19 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: OMG NO lol im not that sick

2006-04-19 [Lost69]: Hmmm...

2006-04-19 [insaneNtwiztid]: hmm,,,

2006-04-19 [faingnaert15]: hmm what?

2006-04-19 [tamy_luvin_john]: hey all! xxx

2006-04-20 [SwEeT BaBe]: hello

2006-04-20 [SwEeT BaBe]: hello anybody here???

2006-04-20 [*~Gooba~*]: hello???

2006-04-20 [*~Gooba~*]: hello

2006-04-20 [*~Gooba~*]: hello any1 around

2006-04-20 [DARSH]: i am around are u around :P

2006-04-20 [*~Gooba~*]: hello??

2006-04-20 [Mataza_71191]: im bored.....................................................................................

2006-04-21 [*~Gooba~*]: helo

2006-04-21 [*~Gooba~*]: ??? any1 here??

2006-04-21 [faingnaert15]: am i missing anything?

2006-04-21 [*~Gooba~*]: nope

2006-04-21 [faingnaert15]: ok

2006-04-21 [*~Gooba~*]: ye is any1 here???

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